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Taking Thought’s Captive

Right after a stay in a mental health facility, God walked Kylie through a practical, bible-based technique to “take thoughts captive” and overcome depression, anxiety, and supernatural forgiveness from abuse.

This teaching called “Soul Control” traveled all over the world quickly and became a best-selling book. “Winning the Mind Battle”


“Not My Thought” the brand

After the teaching of the “Not My Thought” technique came the “Not my Thought” brand.

This merchandise is perfect for keeping you on track and proactive in your soul control process.

Wear the reminder or place a sticker at your most triggered locations so you won’t forget.


Free resources

It is our heart to get this message of freedom out through every available voice. Join Kylie and her Cohost, Shannon for the “Winning the Week: The Podcast”

Watch Bitesize teachings on the vlog “Coffee Break”

Tune into Kylie’s Television broadcast “Winning the Week” on the Faith+ network.



The Call

The Heavenly Father does not ask for golden vessels. He does not ask for silver vessels. God asks for yielded vessels – those who will submit their will to the will of the Father. And the greatest human attainment in all the world is for a life to be so surrendered to Him that the name of God Almighty will be glorified through that life. – Kathryn Kuhlman

The message of Soul Control and Winning the Mind Battle is more than a message, it is a mandate to combat the attack of the enemy on the minds of every person on the planet. That mandate is taking Kylie all over the world. Would you please pray about partnering up with us and sending this word to hurting humanity?

Let’s Connect

Join Kylie’s email list to stay connected with speaking schedule, new products, and much more.