Save the dates and make your plans now to come to Branson, Missouri
for the 2017 Autumn Assembly of Prayer
Joining Dr. Billye Brim in these special meetings will be Kenneth & Gloria Copeland,
Lynne Hammond, Chip Brim, Rani Levy, music by Kylie Gatewood, and other special guest.
The 2017 Autumn Assembly of Prayer will be held at The Mansion Theater, a beautiful, newly renovated, and state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Branson.
MEETING SCHEDULE (subject to change)
• Wednesday, October 18th
12pm - Awakening Noon prayer webcast at The Mansion Theater
7pm - First conference session
• Thursday - 9:30am & 7:00pm
• Friday - 9:30am & 7:00pm
• Saturday - 9:30am, 2pm, & 7:00pm
• Sunday - 3:00pm
• Monday, October 23rd - 9:30am - Tent Meeting on Prayer Mountain
CLICK HERE for a map and directions from Branson to Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks
All the sessions (except the tent meeting) will be webcast LIVE on
Click on the WATCH LIVE link on the Home page.
You can also watch the LIVE sessions on the Billye Brim Ministries channel on ROKU, Apple TV (4th Gen.) and the BBM App.
CLICK HERE to Register.
CLICK HERE to sign up if you would like to serve as a Volunteer at the Autumn Assembly.
CLICK HERE to view area hotel information for the conference.
For flight information into and out of the Branson area:
For your convenience, concessions will be available at the theater.
For more information about the Autumn Assembly Prayer Conference, please call our ministry offices at 417-336-4877.
If you cannot come, please join us in prayer wherever you are. And perhaps you would like to join in the korban offerings we will offer to Him at the meeting. We are believing the budget will be met before we begin.
To sow your offering now, CLICK HERE to go to our secure online giving page.
Meeting Date
10/18/2017 - 10/23/2017
The Mansion Theater
189 Expressway Lane, Branson, MO 65616